Senin, 08 Februari 2010

info investasi 09 january 2010

withdrawal hari ini masih instan, transaction batch liberty reserve : 29040222

omex group
pembayaran hari ini masih instan, transaction batch: Batch is 29040863
hari ini modalku sudah dikembalikan, sudah tentu saya reinvestkan dengan menambahkan beberapa dollar. Jadi dana yang sudah kembali kepada saya 89.14% dari modal saya.

Csm finance

withdrawal saya tadi malam ga instan, namun sudha diproses

API 2/8/2010 22:04 29017116

withdrawal semalam masih diproses secra instan , transaction batch ;

Kobel Kapital
withdrawal semalam sudah diproses, transaction batch : Batch is 28982498

Perfectcash Ltd

withdrawal saya semalam sudah diproses

API 2/9/2010 04:28 batch#29038240

kemarin masa kontrak investasi saya di hugmoney sudah habis dan withdrawal saya sudah di proses, sya ambil yang plan investasi 122% setelah 5 hari
API 2/8/2010 09:04 batch #28948896

Selasa, 02 Februari 2010

info hyip 3 february 2010

hari ini saya menambahkan satu daftar hyip yaitu Hgmoney seperti yang anda lihat di banner samping..

Imex-finance (profit 2.7- 3% perhari, modal dikembalikan setelah 120 hari, withdrawal proses: instan )

jika beberapa withdrawal dengan libertyreserve di Imex-finance tidak bisa dilakukan karena error. seperti yang diisukan karena adanya update softwarenya :

FEB 02 2010 Liberty Reserve API issue
Dear members! We would like to pay your attention to the following. As you could notice, during last few days there were a problem with payments processing via Liberty Reserve. It was the result of some changes in Liberty Reserve API without any prior announcement concerning this issue. As of today we have updated our software. So now all transactions via Liberty Reserve will be processed immediately and automatically as before. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to you!
namun hari ini withdrawal libertyreserve sudah kembali bisa dilakukan instan, transaction batch libertyreserve : 28453758

omex group (profit 2.6%- 3.2% perhari, modal dikembalikan setelah 39 hari)

withdrawal masih di proses secara instan.
Withdrawal processed, batch_id: 28454946

Kobel Kapital

stausnya masih bayar, payout terakhir 1 february 2010
Batch is 28258109

Perfect cash ltd
masih ngebayar terkahir payout 1 february 2010
Batch is 28254441